Hiking in a royal landscape

The Füssen region in the Allgäu offers hiking trails for every level and at different altitudes at the intersection of the Alpine foothills and the mountains .
On some tours, you can even hike in the royal footsteps of the mountain-loving Bavarian fairytale king Ludwig II.

Hiking news ticker

The latest news from Füssen on the subject of hiking
News from
Closures Pfronten
Closures in the Pfronten area can be found here.
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News from
Ruchtisteig Bad Faulenbach
The Ruchtisteig in Bad Faulenbach is permanently closed.
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News from
Black ice warning at Weißensee
The path is very icy, especially in the bathing beach area up to the edge of the…
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News from
Pöllatschlucht closed until further notice.
The hiking trail through the Pöllat Gorge is closed until further notice.
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